Step by Step
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014
Today, I need to take my Program from theoretical to practical application to both my recovery and life. If I hear the motto, "Easy Does It," I cannot interpret it to mean that I have "permission" to neglect daily responsibilities and to do what must be done today and that it means, instead, take it easy in not expecting too much of either myself or another person. "Let Go and Let God" does not mean I can expect my Higher Power to take care of what is my responsibility and which is within my capability; instead, I must realize I am letting go of my own will for myself and letting God tell me what His will is for me. "One (drink) is one too many and never enough" tells me, simply, not to try to find out what is "never enough" and not to try the first one at all. "Making amends" isn't simply saying, "I'm sorry," but becoming willing to accept responsibility and consequences and working harder if some of those amends are rejected. "One Day at a Time" is simple: today is all I've got; yesterday can't be undone or redone, and tomorrow is no guarantee and, even if it is, I have to give today my best shot because it may well reverberate into tomorrow. Today, my Program moves from theory to the practical, and it's time to roll up the sleeves. And our common journey continues. Step by step. - Chris M., 2014
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